
Comparison of glass bottle frosting process and sandblasting process


Sandblasting is a work that uses compressed air as a po […]

Sandblasting is a work that uses compressed air as a power to push abrasives to the surface of the workpiece for processing. This is the so-called sandblasting, which is what we often call shot blasting. Because in the early stage of shot blasting, sand was the only abrasive that could be used, so shot blasting was called sand blasting at that time and for a long time thereafter. Sandblasting can make the surface to be cleaned obtain the required cleanliness and certain roughness, and improve the adhesion of the coating on the base surface. No matter how good the coating is, it cannot be attached to the surface of the workpiece without a long-term surface treatment. The purpose of surface pretreatment is to clean the surface and produce the roughness required to "lock" the coating on the surface. After the surface of the sandblasted workpiece is coated with a good-performance industrial coating, the service life of the coating is 3.5 times longer than the service life of the same quality coating on the surface treated by other methods. Another advantage of sandblasting (shot blasting) is that the surface roughness can be predetermined according to requirements and can be achieved during the cleaning process.